Logic synthesis using CNN
Logic Synthesis is used in order to realize RTL(Register transfer Level) design which is obtained via a hardware description language(HDL). Various types of machine learning techniques are used in order to optimize the complete process. Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) is one of the many methods used and a preliminary one for this purpose. It can be used from logic synthesis, in placement and routing as well as in power deliver network synthesis and IR drop predictions. CNN models are composed of convolutional layers and other basic blocks such as non-linear activation functions and down sample pooling functions. In the logic synthesis and physical design stage, there are many key sub-problems that can benefit from the power of ML models. Let us see how CNN can be implemented in the above mentioned parts for useful optimizations.
Logic synthesis:
This is an optimization problem with complicated constraints, which requires accurate solutions. Hence, using ML algorithms to directly generate logic synthesis solutions is a bit difficult. There are many logic transformations in current synthesis tools. To select an appropriate synthesis flow we need to formulate a multi-class classification problem and design a CNN to map a synthesis flow. The prediction on unlabeled flows are then used to select the optimal synthesis flow. The CNN takes the one-hot encoding of synthesis flows as inputs and outputs the possibilities of the input flow. Sometimes, reinforcement learning is also employed for logic synthesis for better optimization.
Placement & Routing:
The basic requirements of routing design rules must be considered in the placement stage. However, it is difficult to predict routing information in the placement stage accurately and fast, hence, recently machine learning is employed to solve this. It was first used for design rule checking (DRC) hotspot detection. The input features of a customized fully convolutional network (FCN) include the outputs of rectangular uniform wire density. It can also be employed to predict design rule violation count. Various other advanced networks are also used in this case, for better optimization and prediction.
Power deliver network synthesis:
Power delivery network (PDN) design is a complex iterative optimization task, which strongly influences the performance, area and cost of a chip. To reduce the design time, ML-based algorithms are being recently used. The main challenge is increasing complexity of chip design. The IR drop can be divided into two parts: static and dynamic. A CNN can be used to predict the IR values of different locations and models IR drop estimation problem as a regression task. Further, CNN is used to choose the template for floorplan and placement stages.
Thus from this we can conclude that with the help of various machine learning techniques like CNN we can get better and optimized results in various steps of logic synthesis, by spending less time, however with higher computational requirements.
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