Logic Synthesis in VLSI

Logic synthesis is basically a process through which a specification of a desired circuit behavior is turned into or translated into a design implementation in terms of logic gates. This translation of a design representation into a circuit comprising of transistors is known as logic synthesis. It is a major part in any circuit designing for implementation of hardware. This synthesis is generally done by using a computer program called as a synthesis tool. The designs specified in hardware description languages are translated using these synthesis tools. The specification of circuit behavior is typically given at register transfer level. Thus, logic synthesis is basically converting a high-level description of design into an optimized gate-level representation.

The logic synthesis can be majorly summarized in three main points that are translation, optimization and technology mapping.

Translation: In this, the RTL code is translated to a representation which is technology independent. The logic that is converted is then available in a boolean equation form.

Optimization: The obtained Boolean equation is optimized using sum of products (SOP) optimization methods.

Technology mapping: The optimized Boolean equations are then mapped to technology dependent library logic gates based on design constraints and library of available technology gates.

Why perform Logic Synthesis?

There are various advantages of performing logic synthesis.

1. Automatically manages many details of the design process due to which there are fewer bugs and the productivity is also improved.
2. It abstracts the design data that is the description given in HDL from any particular implementation technology. The designs can be re-synthesized targeting various chip technologies.
E.g: first implement in FPGA then later in ASIC
3. In some cases, leads to a more optimal design than could be achieved by manual means (logic optimization)

Logic Synthesis Flow

RTL description:
It basically describes the design at a high level using Register Transfer Level constructs.

The synthesis tool converts the RTL description to an un-optimized Internal representation, that is we get the Boolean form.

Un-optimized Intermediate Representation:
It is represented internally by the logic synthesis tool in terms of internal data structures.

Logic Optimization:
Logic is optimized to remove redundant logic and use fewer hardware.

Technology Mapping and Optimization:
The synthesis tool takes the internal representation and implements the representation in gates, using the cells provided in the technology library.

Technology Library:
It consists of library cells that can be basic gates or macro cells.


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